5 Questions for Matt Hribar, Film Instructor

We recently sat down with HMSS Film Instructor Matt Hribar to talk about what he does when he’s not at HMSS, his favorite films, and more:

What do you do when you’re not teaching at HMSS?

It might be easier to ask what I’m not doing! I’m always writing, creating digital content like sketch videos and podcasts, or working in live entertainment around the city. Plus I love working out, eating good local food, and generally going on adventures!

How did you decide to get into filmmaking and performing arts?

I’ve always been a storyteller — when I was in high school I was making music videos to original music (which I still do to this day!), and I even did a “reality show” that I posted on YouTube. So you could say I’ve always been into performing arts.

What are the three essential characteristics of a successful HMSS filmmaker?

As a new member of staff, that’s hard for me to key in! But I would say any successful filmmaker is passionate, is collaborative, and empathetic, and is always thinking of emergency plan Bs and other methods getting a piece finished. 

Filmmaking, storytelling, acting: which is the most important for a good film and why?

All of the above. You might find a passion or strength for one role or skillset. But working in the others enhances your overall understanding of film and production. For instance, being a better editor makes you a better writer. Being a better actor makes you a better director. Understanding even the basics of each element of the pre-production, production, and post-production process goes a long way, no matter which element of film you end up preferring to work on.

What’s your favorite movie and why?

Well, my favorite movies are movies I might not recommend to high schoolers! So maybe grab a parent or two. Shawshank Redemption hits close to home simply because the movie was shot locally and because Stephen King is a fantastic storyteller. The Silence of the Lambs really is one of my favorite movies as well (and one of the only horror movies to win major Oscars!). Don’t tell too many people, but I actually prefer television shows, web series and narrative video games! What can I say — I’m a sucker for an epic plot and nuanced character development!