What’s new at Heights Middle School Shorts? Plenty!

We’re thrilled to report that over the past few weeks, there have been a number of key milestones met and goals achieved for Heights Middle School Shorts 2021, and that the camp is coming together nicely.

Here are four of the most significant developments:

Application Period Open

The application period is now open for the camp and, based on the number of applications we’ve received so far, student response to the camp has been overwhelming. We’re excited to see so many kids interested in HMSS!

Potential campers have two more weeks to apply for the 2021 Heights Middle School Shorts, so students should apply today to make sure they don’t miss the February 5 deadline. Visit our website for details on how to apply (a simple process using our new online application form).

Generous Donations Making HMSS Possible

We continued to be humbled by the donations you’re making to make the Heights Middle School Shorts camp a reality. We’re grateful for and honored by your gifts, your support of Heights Middle School Shorts, and most importantly your generosity that allows 30 CHUH students – 20 of whom will be able to attend camp free of charge – to discover their creativity, expression, and ultimately themselves in this year’s camp.

If you’d like to make a donation, visit our website today.

All 2021 Instructors On Board

We’re excited that we’ve lined up nearly all of the instructors for Heights Middle School Shorts 2021. Stay tuned for additional details on our teaching staff.

COVID-19 Update

Finally, we recently formalized our pandemic protocol. You can read it here, but the key takeaway is that, as of today, we’re planning an in-person camp in the summer of 2021 but remain ready to change that to ensure the health and safety of HMSS campers.

We’re monitoring closely COVID-19 news and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Cuyahoga County, and the State of Ohio, as well as the guidance coming from the CHUH District. If we need to take steps to adopt extreme cleaning methods and social distancing policies, we’ll do that. If we need to move the camp to a virtual setting, we’ll do that. For now, however, we’re optimistic that the vaccine will take hold and that Heights Middle School Shorts will take place in person this summer.