Five Questions for Antonio Harper, Lead Film Instructor

We recently sat down (socially distanced, of course!) with HMSS film instructor Antonio Harper, who shared his perspective on what makes a successful camper, what excites him about the camp, and more:

1. How did you decide to get into filmmaking?

I didn’t realize that film was something that I wanted to do early on. I always had a passion for writing and telling stories (when I could sit still enough to do so) and at first I would make comic books and act out the comics with my toys, something that would translate to storyboarding later on. My dad always loved taking me to movies and watching classics that would come on at night.

I started off making videos for my family vacations and didn’t realize that film was a “career” path until mom had me attend a Cleveland Heights summer camp where I had signed up for the “Stocks” program. My mom saw an “Interactive Media” program run by the High School’s program teacher, Mr. Glass, and signed me up unknowingly. After the first day I was amazed that this was something I could pursue, and the rest is history. As I got older I found that film was the best way I knew how to communicate with others.

2. What would you say are the three most important characteristics of a successful Heights Middle School Shorts camper?

I would say the three most important characteristics of a successful HMSS camper would be self-thinking, risk-taking, and confidence. All three of these characteristics will allow the camper to be able to tell the story they want to tell without feeling as if they need to censor themselves.

3. How do you think the pandemic will affect the learning experience for the students?

I think the pandemic affects the students as much as it does us [the instructors] in that it has forced us to think outside the box. And when thinking outside the box, generally you come up with some fascinating things!

4. How can you ensure equity and inclusion in the HMSS camp?

Equity and inclusion has been at the forefront of our business mission for West 10G Productions and any projects we pursue, and HMSS is no different. When working with kids, you have to approach every student differently to ensure that they feel understood and appreciated for the work that they do. Heights Middle School Shorts is all about the students. It’s all about what they want and how we can help them achieve that goal, for every student.

5. What excites you the most about teaching at HMSS?

What excites me most about teaching for Heights Middle School Shorts are all the possibilities that can come out of this camp from our students. The community support is fabulous, too. Having grown up in Cleveland Heights from Elementary School through to Heights High, I know the level of support that the community offers and I am looking forward to that for our students.