Your Name in Lights? Apply Now for HMSS 2022!

Lights! Camera! Action! The application period is now open for Heights Middle School Shorts 2022!

All middle school students in the Cleveland Heights-University Heights district are encouraged to apply for HMSS, a three-week mixed-media film arts camp, where campers will discover their own creativity and artistic expression by writing, producing, directing, and starring in short films.

Up to 20 campers will receive full scholarships for the camp, which begins on May 14 with five Saturday writing workshops followed by two-weeks of in-person camp from June 20-30 at Heights High.

To be considered for one of the limited scholarships*, students must complete our online application prior to the March 7, 2022 deadline. Students not seeking a scholarship have until March 30 to send in their application materials.

Need more information? Visit us on the web or send us an email.

We can’t wait to see what the HMSS class of 2022 has to offer!

* Note: returning campers are encouraged to apply but cannot be considered for a scholarship.

Open Enrollment Has Begun!

We’re excited to announce that the 20 free-of-charge spots at Heights Middle School Shorts have been filled, and that we’re now accepting open enrollment applications on a first-come, first-served basis.

These openings will fill fast, so interested students and their families should act quickly to submit their applications and pay the deposit to reserve a spot.

All 6-8th grade students in the CHUH school district are encouraged to apply.

We’re looking for campers who:

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5 Reasons to Attend Heights Middle School Shorts

Thinking about applying to Heights Middle School Shorts? Here are five reasons you should:

1. You Will Learn from Great Instructors

We’ve got an impressive group of instructors lined up at Height Middle School Shorts for our Summer 2021 camp: a Heights grad with a film and television degree who’s worked on a major production, an actor and teacher who’s been performing on Northeast Ohio stages for more than ten years, a former songwriter with extensive experience helping kids cultivate their creative writing talents, and a music instructor who’s worked in local theater productions.

Just the right mix to bring HMSS campers the practical experience and perspective they need.

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What’s new at Heights Middle School Shorts? Plenty!

We’re thrilled to report that over the past few weeks, there have been a number of key milestones met and goals achieved for Heights Middle School Shorts 2021, and that the camp is coming together nicely.

Here are four of the most significant developments:

Application Period Open

The application period is now open for the camp and, based on the number of applications we’ve received so far, student response to the camp has been overwhelming. We’re excited to see so many kids interested in HMSS!

Potential campers have two more weeks to apply for the 2021 Heights Middle School Shorts, so students should apply today to make sure they don’t miss the February 5 deadline. Visit our website for details on how to apply (a simple process using our new online application form).

Continue reading “What’s new at Heights Middle School Shorts? Plenty!”

A Camp Is Born…

The show will go on! And the middle school students of Cleveland Heights and University Heights will be right in the – no pun intended – middle of it.

Heights Middle School Shorts

After working in partnership with Ensemble Theatre for four years to introduce our students to the dramatic arts through the Heights Performing Arts Camp, we’re going all-in on film.

This summer, Building Heights is launching Heights Middle School Shorts, a three-week mixed-media film arts camp for CH-UH middle school students, where up to 30 students going into grades 6, 7, and 8, will discover their own creativity and artistic expression – the majority of whom will attend the camp at no cost.

Heights Middle School Shorts will help CHUH students tell stories through the medium of film. Working in small groups and guided by local professionals experienced in filmmaking, writing, acting, music, and facilitating youth creative expression – including in particular our principal instructors Antonio Harper and James Rankin, and Amy Rosenbluth of Lake Erie Ink – HMSS campers will write short stories that they will turn into short films containing short musical scores.

Continue reading “A Camp Is Born…”