COVID-19 Safety at the 2021 Heights Middle School Shorts

Summer is coming, and we’re confident that, by May 8 when writing workshops start, Northeast Ohio will have begun to develop some herd immunity thanks to the aggressive vaccination efforts of officials in the region. That’s good news for our kids, our families, and our instructors.

But it doesn’t mean that everything will be ‘back to normal’ in Cleveland Heights and at Heights Middle School Shorts and that we no longer need to exercise caution. We’ll still require campers to wear masks in the classroom and on shooting locations (though actors and actresses will not be required to wear masks unless doing so is part of the film script). We’ll still ask participants to ‘social distance’ at all times. We’ll still insist on regular hand-washing and the frequent use of hand sanitizer. And we’ll still clean and disinfect desks and other frequently touched objects and surfaces daily.

How will we practice ‘social distancing’ at camp?

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